Ableton Live 12.2 Beta Release: Features & Improvements
Ableton Live 12.2 introduces a range of new features and enhancements aimed at improving user experience and creative potential. Now available in beta, this update includes significant changes to devices, workflow, and Push integration.
1. Bounce in Place and Bounce to New Track
One of the most highly requested features has finally arrived in Live 12.2: Bounce in Place and Bounce to New Track. These new options make it easier than ever to render clips and tracks into audio for further manipulation.
- Bounce to New Track:
- Right-click on a clip or time selection in a MIDI or audio track to access this feature.
- Renders the selected region, including all processing, into a new audio clip and places it on a new audio track.
- The original clip remains but is grayed out and deactivated (reactivate with the number zero key).
- Ideal for creating reverse chops, quickly converting MIDI to audio, and experimenting with audio-based edits.
- Bounce in Place:
- Similar to "Freeze and Flatten" but more flexible.
- Converts the selected clip or entire track to audio directly on the same track.
- Preserves the processing, effects, and overall sound of the original track.
- Makes it easy to generate and manipulate audio versions of MIDI or processed parts.
Bounce Clip on Ableton Push 3
- A new "Bounce Clip" option is available directly on Ableton Push 3.
- Hold Shift and click on a clip on Push 3 to initiate the bounce.
- Quickly render clips to audio without needing a computer, helping with performance and processing management.
2. Auto Filter Enhancements
- Redesigned Interface: A revamped UI with improved visualizations.
- New Filter Types:
- DJ Filter: Combines low-pass and high-pass filters.
- Comb Filter: Produces flanging effects.
- Vowel Filter: Shapes sound to resemble vocal formants.
- Morph Filter: Transitions between LP, HP, and band-pass filtering.
- Resampling and Notch + LP Filters: Additional sound shaping options.
- Updated Filter Circuits: Includes SVF, DFM, MS2, and PRD circuits.
- Modulation Improvements: Enhanced LFO shapes, morphing, and quantization.
3. Expressive Chords Device
The Expressive Chords device is a new Max for Live MIDI effect introduced in Ableton Live 12.2. Unlike most Max for Live devices, it will be available for Live Intro, Standard, and Suite users.
- Single-Key Chord Playing: Users can trigger full, complex harmonies using just one key or pad.
- Chord Sets: Comes with eight pre-made chord sets, with the ability to import custom chords from MIDI clips.
- Views:
- Pads View: A layout of pads assigned to different chords from the selected set.
- Keyboard View: Displays the played chords and allows users to trigger them via a MIDI keyboard or computer keys.
- Expressive Controls:
- Tilt: Adjusts the velocity balance between lower and higher notes in the chord.
- Invert: Moves the lower notes up or down, altering chord voicings.
- Strum: Introduces slight delays between notes, simulating guitar strumming.
- Articulate: Applies rhythmic phrases or patterns to chord playback, with a reverse option.
- Transpose: Changes the root note of the played chord.
- Modulation Section: Parameters like Tilt, Invert, Strum, and Articulate can be modulated via velocity and slide.
- Push Integration: The pad layout is mirrored on Push devices, and modulation parameters can be controlled directly from Push.
- Future Scale Awareness: Expected in a future update, enabling automatic adaptation to the selected scale.
4. Roar Device Updates
- New Delay Routing Mode.
- New Dispersion Filter Type.
- External audio and MIDI sidechain for pitch-controlled feedback.
5. Meld Device Enhancements
- Chord Oscillator: Generates chords from a single MIDI note.
- Scrambler LFO Effect: Provides dynamic modulation.
6. Browser Improvements
- New Quick Tags Panel for streamlined organization.
- Filter View Redesign for better accessibility.
- Customizable Icons for personalized user folders.
- Metadata Columns: View multiple data points simultaneously.
7. Push Integration
- Expressive 16 Pitches: Play melodies using MPE-enabled pads.
- Follow Actions: Automate transitions between clips and scenes.
- Bounce to New Track: Render audio directly on Push.
- External Audio Effect Device: Use hardware effects seamlessly.
8. Additional Enhancements
- Scale Awareness: Spectral Resonator and Resonators support scale tuning.
This update brings numerous user-requested features and enhancements, making Ableton Live 12.2 a significant free upgrade for Live 12 users. As it is currently in public beta, some features may be further refined before the official release.
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